Estill Voice Training
Jo Estill and her Work:
Jo Estill was a professional classical singer with an international career in Opera and Lieder. In her 40’s, Estill discovered that her true passions were vocal research and teaching. She enrolled in a doctoral program in the Speech and Hearing department at the City University of New York and began 25 years of research in the physiology, acoustics, and perception of voice quality. Through this research, Jo Estill identified how structures in the vocal track move to make singing sounds in differing styles. She became a leading authority on producing a healthy belt and an expert in teaching singers to develop vocally healthy opera, twang, belt, falsetto, sob, and speech sounds and to “cross over” between singing styles. Jo Estill’s research developed into a scientifically based system of teaching the mechanics of voice use separate from the artistry of interpretation. This research was published in the Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, The Journal of Voice, Medical Problems of Performing Arts, and most recently, in Vocal Fold Physiology: Voice Quality Control, and Vocal Fold Physiology: Controlling Complexity and Chaos. In 1988 she founded Estill Voice Training™ to protect and promote her work. For 30 years, Jo Estill taught Estill Figures for Voice™ to voice professionals and to students in colleges and performer training programs such as London’s Central School for Speech and Drama. Her method has been used to train singers, actors, teachers, speech pathologists and anyone who wants to explore their vocal potential.